come home to yourself in the heart of the wild

Womxn’s Soul-Stice Quest 2024

July 19-27th, 2024 on beautiful private land
~ Northern Sonoma County, California Coast ~

• Includes a 4-day/4-night solo “earth communion” w/optional fast •

What is Wild Wisdom?

Wilderness and Soul-guides (and soul-sisters), Caitlin Wild and Sarai Shapiro have crafted this heart-offering for womxn to heal, grow, and renew their divine connection to earth, self and spirit. 

Wild Wisdom invites you to slow down, silence the noise of modern life and embrace the beauty of the natural world so you can re-member your true essence. 

Through 9 days of devotion, prayer, and connection with the wild spirits of the land, you are invited into the conversation at the intersection of your wild soul and the web of life. You are lovingly prepared for and welcomed home from a four day “earth communion”: sacred time spent with yourself in deep communion with the wild ones, your life’s prayer and mystery.

We know the Earth celebrates and supports us as we ask to be guided in our deepest and most meaningful soul-work! Let us be led by our earthly relations: the trees, animals, rocks, and waters!

Why join Wild Wisdom?

  • To claim your wisdom and the unique gifts you carry for your people

  • To slow down and listen to the quieter voices of your wild soul in a distinctly mystical and feminine container

  • To cultivate confidence in camping, wilderness skills, and nature connection

  • To weave a strong web of wild womxn who love to be outside in their fullest, wildest and most true expression, living in the mystery and beauty of this one wild and precious life!

“The trip nourished my spirit and my soul on so many levels. I feel more sovereign, empowered, free, and connected to my intuition. I feel more interconnected with the web of life, and more solidly rooted in myself and on this Earth. My time in the wilderness and the magical Wild Wisdom container helped rewild my soul - and there’s no lookin’ back.” - Meli Sobin, Artist

The Arc of our nine days

We spend the first several days arriving ever-deeper in connection with the land, our souls, each other, and preparing for earth communion (solo).  Earth communion will be four days and nights.  On the final morning, you will return through our threshold and be welcomed home.  The last few days allow you to share your story and be held in the integration of what you experienced through words, art, music and movement.

During our days together as a group we offer practices and experiences to support your mind, body, soul, and spirit to enter into the liminal realm where healing and transformation on deep levels becomes possible.  Practices include council, medicine walks and wanders, finding local plant and animal allies, song circles, dream circles, earth altars, offerings to the land, prayer technology and more.  Many people say that these practices are what they bring home to continue to feed what they discovered on their earth communion.

What is Soul-Quest and Earth Communion?

Our 9 day Soul-stice Quest surrounds a four day “earth communion,” which is a time for each participant to spend outside of contact with other humans, eating minimally or fasting, entering into a deep communion with your soul, spirit, and the natural world.  This is a time to lay down what is dying in your life, to claim what is yours to claim, to let the wild world wash away the grief, longing, anger, or rage that you have been holding, to marry your inner beloved, to make right with your life as it is and set your prayers and intentions for your next steps.

All the Juicy Details:

  • 9 days of camping, sleeping on the earth near beautiful Gualala, CA on a totally private 1600-acre piece of wild land!

  • A supported 4-day “solo” to be in deep conversation with your life’s prayer, the wild ones and mystery herself. (*Fasting from all food optional*)

  • Our camp is on a private lake with outdoor kitchen, composting toilets and lots of open space

  • Our group is limited to 10 participants to ensure that each person is fully supported

  • All dinners and breakfasts provided — bring your own lunches and snacks

  • With a distinctly feminine container, you will be held by 2 guides and one assistant in preparation and integration via zoom with optional 1:1 sessions available before/after your Soul Quest

Check out our Video:

*This is based on our 9-month journey from 2022

Sarai and Caitlin held incredible space for transformation. They listened deeply and offered attuned reflections. I felt my connection to the wild and my center grow within me as I connected to the wilds of the natural world around me. There was space and so many opportunities to see my own reflection in the landscape and people around me which was incredibly healing.
— WW participant, 2023
What could be better than circling up with women in deep nature and feeling seen, heard and loved; swimming like naked nymphs in rivers, sharing food, pooping in the woods and loving it!? This is an elixir for the soul. I would do it again, and again and again. And Sarai and Caitlin make a powerful, perfectly synchronized leadership team. LOVED IT!!!
— S. Raviv, writer & workshop leader

Heed your heart. Sink into the slowness of nature and be held in the arms of the earth.

We can’t wait to meet you!